How to Butter on Skis | Powder

What you will Learn in this Ski Tutorial

This video is a tutorial on how to perform nose butters on skis in powder snow. Jens emphasizes the importance of first learning the technique on slopes before attempting it in powder. Nose butters in powder require a more nose-heavy approach and can be more challenging but also more fun. Jens demonstrates the technique, providing detailed instructions on body positioning, hand movements, and timing. They also explain how to incorporate nose butters into turns and progress to steeper slopes for more hang time. 


  • Tutorial on performing nose butters on skis in powder snow
  • Emphasis on learning the technique on slopes before trying it in powder
  • Nose butters in powder require a more nose-heavy approach
  • Demonstration of the technique with detailed instructions on body positioning and hand movements
  • Importance of timing and maintaining balance during nose butters
  • Suggestion to start with zero speed and a single turn before progressing to more complex maneuvers
  • Incorporating nose butters into turns for added fun
  • Progressing to steeper slopes for more hang time during nose butters
  • Mention of the instructor’s website for more in-depth tutorials and support for the project.
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