How to Butter on Skis | TailButter

What you will Learn in this Tutorial

This tutorial discusses how to perform a tail butter on skis. It explains that it is easier to do with soft-flex skis rather than stiff twin tip skis. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions, starting with performing a switch skidded turn with a bit of tail butter. It then progresses to performing a switch tail butter 360 over a roller. The importance of continuing the rotation throughout the trick is emphasized. Tips are also given for performing tail butter 5s and tail butter cork tricks, including popping off the tails and keeping the skis close together.


  • Tail butter on skis is easier with soft-flex skis rather than stiff twin tip skis
  • Step 1: Start with a switch skidded turn and incorporate a bit of tail butter, gradually increasing the buttering
  • Find a roller and perform a switch tail butter 360 over it, emphasizing continued rotation
  • Carve in and keep the skis close together to prevent catching an edge during the trick
  • For a tail butter 5, pop off the tails to uncork the trick faster
  • Avoid catching an edge by carving in and keeping the feet close together, reducing the risk on big rollers
  • Tail butter cork trick involves setting hard backward onto the tails and allowing them to butter to the tips
  • Figure out the tail butter cork trick yourself for an enjoyable experience
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