How to Carve on Skis | 5 Tips & Drills for Beginners / Intermediates

What you will Learn in this Tutorial

This video provides tips and drills for beginners and intermediate skiers looking to improve their carving skills. Jens explains how the shape of the ski helps with carving and demonstrates the difference between skidded parallel turns and clean cut carved turns. The video then progresses to beginner drills, including finding a flat slope to practice on and starting with basic carving motions. The drills gradually increase in difficulty, focusing on building edge angles and controlling speed. Jens also provides tips for improving the transition between turns and introduces the concept of “mad angles” for advanced skiers. The video concludes with a playful exercise to practice different shapes and sizes of carving turns.


  • Understanding how the shape of the ski aids in carving
  • Difference between skidded parallel turns and clean cut carved turns
  • Beginner drills to practice carving on a flat slope
  • Progressing to more challenging drills, including the “J-turn” and “mad angles”
  • Tips for improving the transition between turns
  • Using the pole drag technique to increase edge angles
  • Playful exercise to practice drawing different shapes and sizes with carving turns.
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