The Reality of Learning How to Carve on Skis | 6 Steps to Carve

Master the art of carving on skis! This video breaks down the 6 key steps to achieving smooth, controlled carves. Learn from expert instruction as they guide skiers through drills focusing on posture, balance, movements, and edge control. Improve your technique and discover how to create clean tracks, utilizing ankle and knee rolls, hip movement, and lateral separation. Progress from j-turn carved turns to linked turns, understanding the subtle nuances of weight transfer and body positioning. Perfect your carving technique and experience the thrill of effortless skiing!

00:00 Intro
00:06 Yesterdays Inputs: Posture, Balanc, Movements, Rotation
01:00 Edging Accuracy
01:50 Drill: Feel Clean Tracks in the Snow
03:11 Drill: Clean Track with Speed
05:55 Drill: Outside Pole Drag
06:44 Drill: Outside Pole Drag w. Hip Roll
07:50 Drill': Hand on Hips J-Turn Carving
08:42 Drill: Opposite Airplane
09:45 The Softening the Inside Leg
13:25 Is there any rotation in rotation in Carving?