How to Carve on Skis | 3 Common Mistakes

What you will Learn in this Tutorial

This video discusses the three most common mistakes that skiers make when carving and provides exercises to help correct them. The first mistake is twisting the upper body in the direction of the turn, which causes the skis to slide out. The second mistake is relying too much on the inside ski, leading to a loss of pressure and grip on the outside ski. The third mistake is leading into the turn with the inside ski, which rushes the turn and reduces grip. The video provides exercises to help correct each mistake and improve carving technique.


  • The video addresses the three most common carving mistakes and provides exercises to correct them
  • Mistake 1: Twisting the upper body in the direction of the turn, causing the skis to slide out
  • Exercise 1: Ditching the poles and using the outside hand to point across towards the outside ski and down the hill to prevent rotation
  • Mistake 2: Relying too much on the inside ski, leading to a loss of pressure and grip on the outside ski
  • Exercise 2: Using poles upside down to maintain contact with the ground and encourage proper weight distribution
  • Mistake 3: Leading into the turn with the inside ski, rushing the turn and reducing grip
  • Exercise 3: Pulling the inside ski back and shifting weight onto the new outside ski to allow the turn to be built up properly
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