5 Reasons You Suck at Skiing | Let´s Fix It

Learn how to ski better on piste! This video shows 5 common mistakes or reasons why you might be skiing poorly, just like I used to. Learn to set goals, utilize immediate feedback (proprioceptive feedback, video analysis and the Carv app), master crucial drills to learn to turn from the skis and upwards (open boots, parallel skis, etc.), and understand ideal turn shapes. Improve your edge angles, posture, balance, and overall flow. Equipment tips on boot fitting, ski selection, and drills to take your skiing from “suck” to “slick” are included. 


00:00 I made this video to a 20 year old me
01:00 1. You´re Cruising | Do Challenging Turns
02:33 Feedback | Learn to feel when your are getting it right
03:15 Feedback | How to make s simplified video analysis
05:11 Feedback | Use Carv for Objective Feedback
06:12 Join a Camp https://stompitcamps.com/
06:25 2. Upside Down Turning | Turn From The Feet
07:20 Drill 1. Open Boots Skidded Long Turns
08:30 Drill 2. Open Boots Feet & Knees Focus
09:15 Drill 3. Perfectly Parallel Skis
09:50 Drill 4. Use Hip Flexor to Un-Weight the Inside Ski
10:36 Drill 5. Ab Pressure to Stabilize Upper Body
11:16 3. Equipment Holding You Back | Fitting Boots & Tuned Edges
13:14 4. Poor Posture & Balance | Do Impossible if Back-seated Drills
13:30 Drill 1. 99% Outside Ski Pressure
14:21 Drill 2. Single Leg Carving
15:12 5. Turn Shapes Holding You Back | Prioritise G-Forces Over High-Speed
17:19 Drill. Hour Glass Funnel Carving to Find a Good Turn-shape for You
18:09 Main points in this video




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