Ski Tips & Calling Tricks | Nosebutter 180 to Frontflip
What you will Learn in this Tutorial
In this episode of “Ski Tips & Calling Tricks,” coaches Josh and Vin tackle the p60 and showcase various tricks and provide helpful tips. They start with a nosebutter 180 to frontflip and explore other tricks like double grabs, switch ups, and 50-50 with a 360 exit. They also attempt a challenging trick called the nosebutter 180 to frontflip, with mixed results. They share tips on speed, body positioning, and technique for each trick. Despite some difficulties, they have a fun and exciting day on the slopes.
- They demonstrate various tricks and provide tips on executing them.
- They start with a nosebutter 180 to frontflip, with one skier successfully landing it.
- Tips shared include going slow and flat before attempting certain tricks.
- The skiers attempt a switch on back swap, with one skier successfully completing it.
- They showcase a 50-50 with a 360 exit, offering tips on body positioning and rotation.
- The skiers engage in a fun and challenging trick called the nosebutter 180 to frontflip, with varying success.
- They try a quick switch on back swap, successfully executing it with a shifty motion.