8 Tips on How to Ski the Halfpipe

What you will Learn in this Tutorial

This video provides 8 tips on how to ski the halfpipe. It discusses safety precautions, the names of the different parts of the pipe, ski positioning, line choice, turning techniques, popping and landing correctly, increasing airtime, learning tricks like alley-oops and grabs, and performing an air to fakie.


  • Skiing the halfpipe can be a thrilling and challenging experience, but with the right approach, it can be safe and enjoyable.
  • Safety gear such as helmets, back protectors, and crash pants should be worn to protect against injuries.
  • Understanding the different parts of the halfpipe, such as the flat, transition, vert, coping, and deck, is important for navigation and technique.
  • Maintaining a proper ski position with relaxed knees and hips is crucial for balance and control throughout the pipe.
  • Choosing the right line in the halfpipe is essential for maintaining speed and control. Starting higher up the wall and gradually going lower to generate more speed can lead to successful jumps.
  • Turning techniques, such as skidding parallel turns and extending the legs, are important for maneuvering in the pipe.
  • Popping at the right moment and landing in the same place where the jump originated are key for successful jumps.
  • Increasing airtime in the halfpipe can be achieved by pumping the legs and gradually taking a more downward line.
  • Learning tricks like the alley-oop, where skiers rotate up the pipe, and grabs, where skiers hold onto their skis, can add excitement and style to halfpipe skiing.
  • Finally, the article introduces the air to fakie trick, where skiers perform a jump and land in the opposite direction, providing a new challenge and opportunity for improvement in halfpipe skiing.