How to Practise Ice Axe Self Arrest | Into the Mountains 2

In this episode of into the mountains, you get to tag along with me as I practise how to self arrest, then me and our filmer Carlos practise how to self arrest using a ski pole and lastly, how to self arrest with an ice axe. This ski series contains 4 types of video episodes. 1 Learning episodes where I pick the brain of experts and share with you. 2 Practise episodes showing how I practise the skills learned. 3 Challenge episodes where I self-impose a challenge to see my physical or technical limits. 4 Objectives where I ski beautiful ski objectives to gain experience while reflecting on what was learned. I hope you will enjoy this journey into the mountains. /Jens Nyström

00:00 Intro
01:33 Going up the mountain to practise how to self arrest
03:55 Practise the self arrest position on the ground
04:54 Easy slope | Ice Axe Self Arrest
05:31 Easy Slope | Ski Pole Self Arrest
06:20 Easy Slope | Self Arrest
07:20 Icy 30° Slope | Self Arrest
08:09 Icy 30° Slope | Ice Axe Self Arrest
09:35 Icy 30° Slope | Ski Pole Self Arrest
10:21 Measuring the steepness
13:17 Self Arrest Reflections