How to Wallride on Skis | 4 Easy Wallride Tricks

What you will Learn in this Tutorial

This video is a tutorial on how to wallride on skis, with four easy wallride tricks explained. Jens and Vinnie explains the three main ways to ride a wall: stalling on top, sliding across the top, and riding along the side. The easiest type of wall to start with is one where you can ride straight up it, have a stall, and then pop back down. Jens and Vinnie provides tips on how to approach the wall and how to avoid falling or sliding out. As the video progresses, the difficulty of the wallride tricks increases, with diagonal wall rides and 180-degree rotations demonstrated. The video ends with an invitation to join freestyle camps for adults to further improve ski techniques.


  • The video provides a tutorial on how to wallride on skis.
  • Three main ways to ride a wall are explained: stalling on top, sliding across the top, and riding along the side.
  • The easiest wallride trick is demonstrated, where you ride straight up, have a stall, and then pop back down.
  • Tips are provided on approaching the wall and maintaining balance.
  • Increasing speed gradually is important for successful wall rides.
  • The narrator recommends joining freestyle camps for adults to improve ski techniques.