How to BackSlide on Skis

What you will Learn in this Tutorial 

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to backslide on skis, a trendy trick of the season. The key is to practice balance and use your hips to keep yourself steady. The tutorial begins by recommending that you know how to slide down rails to switch before attempting the backslide. Practicing on a skateboard can help with balance, and then you can progress to a downhill slope. The tutorial also suggests using a short and wide flat box or a gentle slope to practice the backslide technique. It warns about common mistakes such as not rotating onto the box properly or leaning too far forward. It emphasizes the importance of balance and landing correctly to avoid injury. Overall, with practice and perseverance, you can master the backslide on skis and have loads of fun performing this trick.


  • Prerequisite: Know how to slide down rails to switch
  • Use your hips to maintain balance
  • Practice on a skateboard first, then progress to a downhill slope
  • Begin with a short and wide flat box or a gentle slope to practice the technique
  • Rotate onto the box and stay perpendicular to it for a successful backslide
  • Avoid leaning too far forward or back to maintain balance
  • Proper landing technique is crucial to avoid injury
  • Practice, practice, practice
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